Join the Army Cyber Corps and become an expert in operating and defending Army networks against our nation’s adversaries.
Grow your career in technology with specialized courses offered by the Army, all while receiving pay and benefits. Courses vary depending on your career specialty and status as an enlisted Soldier, Warrant Officer, or commissioned Officer.
There are certain requirements and steps you’ll need to take to join the U.S. Army Cyber Corps as an enlisted Soldier.
There are certain requirements and steps you’ll need to take to join the U.S. Army Cyber Corps as a commissioned or Warrant Officer.
Commissioned Officer
Warrant Officer
Be at least 17 but under 31 in the year of commissioning as an Officer
Be medically and physically fit while in good moral standing
Be a U.S. citizen by the time you commission as an Officer
Be a college graduate by the time you’re commissioned as an Officer
A completed background check and questionnaire along with successful interview and proof of records
Disrupt cybercriminals and safeguard Army communications as an enlisted Soldier or a commissioned Officer. You’ll prevent phishing attacks and locate international hacker networks along with recognizing dangerous ransomware and improving cyber intelligence.
Apply to join the Cyber Corps as an Army Officer if you’re already a working cyber professional with a degree in a STEM field. You’ll bring your computer programming and data analytics skill set to the Army, starting with a rank of second lieutenant through colonel depending on experience.
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The Army Cyber Corps is looking for candidates who are skilled, adaptable, and have experience or an interest in learning: software, hardware, coding, DevOps, full-stack, network or reverse engineering, data science, machine learning (AI), and more.
Yes, you can transfer in if you’re a current Soldier from active duty, Army Reserve, or Army National Guard. Army Cyber command includes Army Reserve and Army National Guard members. To get started, speak to your career counselor to identify the next steps and requirements.
Yes, enlisted Soldiers must complete Basic Training. If you are active military and transfer in, you will have already completed Basic Training.
While the Army has managed cybersecurity since the 1980s, today’s Army Cyber force was established by the U.S. Department of Defense in 2009, followed by the development of an Army Cyber School and the integration of electronic warfare into the cyber branch.
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