Your First Weeks

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A Soldier climbing a wooden obstacle outside

Pack up for Basic Training.

The Army has certain guidelines around what you’re able to bring when you ship out to Basic Training, so use this checklist as a guide to ensure you’ll have what you need. Keep in mind that you’ll have access to the Post Exchange (PX) every two weeks, an on-base store that covers various personal essentials.


  • One-day supply of casual, comfortable clothing
  • Three sets of white cotton underwear
  • One pair of black or white, calf-length athletic socks (no color bands, designs or logos)
  • One pair of comfortable shoes
  • Eyeglasses or contact lenses, if needed
  • One small suitcase or gym bag

For women

  • Three neutral shade bras, including at least two sports bras
  • Neutral shade nylons or tights
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Hair elastics that match your hair color


  • A disposable or safety razor with blades and shaving cream (optional for women)
  • Toothbrush with case, toothpaste, and dental floss
  • Hairbrush or black comb up to six inches
  • One washcloth and towel
  • Deodorant
  • Shower shoes
  • Shampoo, soap, and soap case


  • Valid driver's license or current state identification card
  • Your orders: Be sure to have all copies of orders and documents issued by your unit recruiter and/or Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS); these orders must be delivered by you and by hand
  • Travel and meal tickets: These will be supplied to you the day you ship to Basic Training

Additional items

  • Money (at least $10, but no more than $50 in cash)
  • Checkbook or ATM card
  • Prescription medication
  • One combination lock or padlock with two keys (an additional lock can be purchased at the PX)
  • Standard wristwatch (no smartwatches)

What's not allowed

  • Privately-owned vehicles
  • Expensive personal items
  • Steel hair picks
  • Razor blades
  • Weapons of any type, including pocket knives
  • Obscene or pornographic material
  • Alcoholic beverages, nonprescription drugs, or drug paraphernalia
  • Playing cards, dice, or dominoes
  • Cigarettes, tobacco products, or vaping paraphernalia
  • Gum, candy, or chips

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Common questions about your first weeks.

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Are there options to delay my ship date?

Yes. The Future Soldier Program, also called the Delayed Entry Program (DEP), lets Soldiers join the Army now and ship out at a later date. The program is popular among high schoolers and other candidates who need some time to finish their current commitments. As part of the program, participants attend weekly meetings and complete Future Soldier training while they wait for their ship date to arrive.

How often should I check in with my recruiter while I wait for my ship date?

You should check in with your recruiter once every two weeks while you wait for your ship date to arrive. It’s also important to be responsive when your recruiter reaches out to you so they know you’re still committed to joining the Army.

What should I do if something happens that may impact my eligibility?

Let your recruiter know right away if something happens that may jeopardize your eligibility. While it’s possible you could be disqualified, it’s also possible that you may qualify for a waiver for this issue. It’s important to be honest and upfront with your recruiter so they can tell you what your options are.

What happens after I join the Army as an Officer, or on a path to become a commissioned Officer?

What to expect after you join the Army as an Officer, or on a path to become a commissioned Officer, varies depending on the way you become an Officer. Learn more on our Army Officers page.

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Answer True or False to the following statements based on your current situation (optional).

I’m a U.S. citizen or permanent and legal resident (I-551 card).

I am in high school, have a high school diploma, or am enrolled in college.

I have a GED.

I don’t have any tattoos.

I have some tattoos, with no (or subtle) placement on my hands, neck, or face.

I don’t have any medical concerns.

I have a minor medical condition or history.

I don’t have any law violations.

I have minor law violations, like speeding tickets.

I’m ready to talk to a recruiter to learn more.

I’m interested in the Army, but not quite ready to talk to a recruiter.

Your Preferred Army Career Path

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This section is optional.

Citizenship Status

Education Level


Legal Record

Medical Conditions

Level of Interest.

Your Preferred Army Career Path

Please select the responses that best describe you.

This section is optional.

Citizenship Status

The Army wants people from different backgrounds and experiences. You’ll need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card.

Education Level

To join the Army, you’ll need a high school diploma or GED. Talk to your recruiter about your options if you don’t meet this requirement.


You can still join the Army if you have tattoos. You may need a waiver if you have any above your neckline or past your wrists.

Legal Record

Convictions or felonies may prevent you from joining the Army, but legal waivers are available in some cases.

Medical Conditions

The Army can accommodate many medical conditions. A recruiter will help you navigate the process and any needed waivers.

Level of Interest

Whether you’re ready to join or just curious, a recruiter can help you decide if the Army is right for you.

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This helps us connect you to the right person. If you’re not sure yet, just select undecided.
    School selection is required.

    Privacy Act Notice: The above disclosure is voluntary. All information will be used strictly for recruiting purposes. The authority for the collection of this information is Title 10, United States Code, Sections 503, 505, 508, and 12102, and EO 9397. For more information, please review our Privacy & Security Notice.

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