Army Rangers

Be the force that never quits.

As part of the 75th Ranger Regiment, you'll specialize in combat missions deep inside enemy territory—a task only the best-trained can carry out in this branch of the elite Special Operations Forces.

Soldier leading in the field, waiting for a Chinook helicopter to take off


lead the


Join the premier infantry force.

Becoming a Ranger is an honor shared by a select few, calling for mental toughness, physical fitness, moral character, and motivation to endure the challenges you’ll face in the field. You’ll be a member of one of five battalions, on a team designed to complete missions that call for speed, precision, and heavy firepower, including rifles, machine guns, and explosives.

A kneeling Army Ranger looking over his shoulder during a live fire exercise

Specialize in raids and assault missions.

Army Ranger missions consist of three main pillars that include a wide variety of enemy combat operations.

A Soldier jumps from a low flying helicopter into a lake

Special operations raids

Special operations raids are designed to seize, destroy, or capture enemy goods and locations. Rangers rely on the element of surprise to execute these missions effectively.

A male Soldier in combat gear aiming a rifle

Forcible entry operations

Joint forcible entry includes taking over airfields and is a traditional element of Ranger operations.

Army Rangers on a Special Operations raid at night

Special reconnaissance

Special reconnaissance, which includes gathering intelligence on enemies, is crucial to many Ranger operations and a very important aspect of training.

The Army Ranger selection process

Army Rangers take on some of the most advanced and rigorous training in the Army. To become a Ranger, you’ll first be tested in the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP)—a two-phase program to test your abilities and train you to become an Army Ranger. Following RASP, you can volunteer to go through Ranger School, known as one of the toughest training experiences in the Army.

Step 01: 5 Weeks

RASP Phase 1

In Phase 1, you’ll go through physical and psychological tests, as well as be assessed on your strength of character and leadership skills. This phase includes a 12-mile ruck march with a 35-pound dry rucksack in full uniform, land navigation exercises, and medical first responder tests.

Step 02: 3 Weeks

RASP Phase 2

Phase 2 includes skills training. You’ll prepare for Ranger duties by learning the skills and techniques for direct-action combat, airfield seizure, personnel recovery, marksmanship, and explosives.

Step 03 (VOLUNTARY): 61 Days

Ranger School

Ranger School is completely voluntary, but necessary to lead in the 75th Ranger Regiment. If you choose to attend, you’ll spend the first 20 days preparing your mind and body for the rest of Ranger School. The next 21 days are spent in the mountains learning combat patrol missions. In the final phase of Ranger School, you’ll lead small teams to conduct missions in swamps while under extreme stress.





You’ll face some of the hardest physical challenges in your pursuit to becoming an Army Ranger. To succeed at RASP, you’ll need to complete a 15-meter swim in full uniform, a five-mile run in under 40 minutes, and a 12-mile march with a 35-pound ruck. Before you start RASP, you’ll need to pass a pre-RASP Army Ranger fitness tests.

The pre-RASP fitness test includes:

  • 53 push-ups

  • 63 sit-ups

  • Two-mile run

  • Four pull-ups

  • Six-mile ruck march

A Soldier in combat uniform training in an indoor pool

Requirements to become an Army Ranger.

All Rangers must be active-duty enlisted Soldiers or Army Officers. There are different requirements for each.

Requirements for enlisted Soldiers:

  • Be a U.S. citizen.

  • Have an ASVAB placement test TECH score of 105 or above.

  • Meet physical fitness requirements by completing the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), clearing the height and weight standards.

  • Have a specific Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) authorized to be hired by the 75th Ranger Regiment, including Infantryman (11B), Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic (91B), Parachute Rigger (92R), and many more.

  • Re-class into a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) found in the 75th Ranger Regiment.

  • Be eligible for a secret security clearance.

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Common questions about Army Rangers.

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Do I need to complete Basic Training to become an Army Ranger?

Yes. After completing Basic Combat Training (BCT) and Advanced Individual Training (AIT), Soldiers interested in becoming a part of the 75th Ranger Regiment can be screened for the first step of becoming an Army Ranger: Ranger Assessment and Selection (RASP).

What makes a successful Army Ranger candidate?

Rangers are role-model Soldiers physically, mentally, and morally. They make sound judgments, and they never quit, though their bodies may tell them to. Rangers demonstrate discipline both on and off duty.

What is life on base like for Army Rangers and their families?

When Rangers are not deployed, they intensely focus on physical fitness and individual training to be ready to deploy at any minute. Otherwise, life on base is similar to any typical Army unit. Additionally, Rangers have excellent Soldier & Family Readiness Groups, providing routine updates about deployments and training exercises, and providing support for challenges related to deployment. Rangers are stationed in one of three bases in the United States: Fort Moore, Hunter Army Airfield, and Joint Base Lewis McChord.

Can I join the Army Rangers from National Guard or Army Reserve?

No, you must be active-duty status in the U.S. Army.

Can I join the Army Rangers as a non-commissioned Officer (NCO) or Warrant Officer?

Yes. Non-commissioned Officers (NCOs) and Warrant Officers, at ranks of staff sergeant and above, are encouraged to apply. If accepted, they’ll attend RASP 2, a three-week selection course where Officer candidates (including commissioned Officers) are tested on their physical and mental capabilities while learning the special tactics, techniques, and procedures that set the regiment apart, as well as the expectations of leading and developing young Rangers.

What is the history of the Army Rangers?

While the modern 75th Ranger Regiment was established relatively recently, U.S. military units with the same operational philosophy as the Rangers have existed since before the American Revolution. After the attack against the U.S. on September 11, 2001, the 75th Ranger Regiment immediately prepared to “Lead the Way,” spearheading the initial ground invasion of Afghanistan, just as the Rangers did at Normandy in 1944, Grenada in 1983, and Panama in 1989. The Rangers’ iconic motto “Rangers, Lead the Way!” was coined during the Allied invasion of Normandy.

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Your Preferred Army Career Path

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Citizenship Status

The Army wants people from different backgrounds and experiences. You’ll need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card.

Education Level

To join the Army, you’ll need a high school diploma or GED. Talk to your recruiter about your options if you don’t meet this requirement.


You can still join the Army if you have tattoos. You may need a waiver if you have any above your neckline or past your wrists.

Legal Record

Convictions or felonies may prevent you from joining the Army, but legal waivers are available in some cases.

Medical Conditions

The Army can accommodate many medical conditions. A recruiter will help you navigate the process and any needed waivers.

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Whether you’re ready to join or just curious, a recruiter can help you decide if the Army is right for you.

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