Entrance Test (ASVAB)

Understanding the ASVAB.

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a standardized test on science, math, and language that helps identify which careers may be a fit for you when you join.

You’ll take the test before enlisting and find a job that matches your strengths once it’s complete.

Work with a recruiter to schedule the test and get all the resources you need to prepare.

Reach your career goals by learning about the test subjects and how your score affects which jobs are available to you.




Prepare yourself for test day.

Every enlisted Soldier takes the ASVAB. You’ll be given all the tools you need to make it a smooth test experience. Follow these steps to stay ready as your test date approaches.


Talk to your recruiter about what to expect.

Your recruiter will help you set up the test appointment and talk to you about how ASVAB scoring works. They can’t help you study, but they’ll help connect you to resources you need.


Make a plan for your test day.

Know the time and location of your ASVAB test, which can be taken at a registered testing site or nearby Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) facility. Make sure to get plenty of rest the night before.

Subjects covered on the ASVAB.

When you take the ASVAB entrance test, you’ll be scored in ten different subject areas and you’ll receive two types of ASVAB scores. First, your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score determines your eligibility to join and requires a score of at least 31 to enlist. Second, your ASVAB category scores—also called line scores—determine job opportunities across different career categories.

  • General Sciences

  • Arithmetic Reasoning

  • Word Knowledge

  • Paragraph Comprehension

  • Mathematics Knowledge

  • Electronics Information

  • Auto and Shop Information

  • Mechanical Comprehension

  • Assembling Objects

  • Verbal Expression

Your scores help match you with an Army job.

After you receive your scores, you’ll have a better idea of which job opportunities you can pursue. Your ASVAB scores help indicate the job areas you’d excel in after you join as an enlisted Soldier. You may even discover new career paths you hadn’t considered.

Closeup of the hand of a Soldier holding a pencil taking a test


Requires high scores in the Verbal Expression, Arithmetic Reasoning, and Mathematics Knowledge subjects and leads to jobs like the Human Resources Specialist (42A).


Requires high scores in the Verbal Expression, Auto and Shop Information, and Mechanical Comprehension subjects and leads to jobs like the Infantryman (11B).


Requires high scores in General Sciences, Arithmetic Reasoning, Mathematics Knowledge, and Electronic Information subjects and leads to jobs like the Radar Repairer (94M).

Field Artillery

Requires high scores in the Arithmetic Reasoning, Mathematics Knowledge, and Mechanical Comprehension subjects and leads to jobs like the Field Artillery Recruit (13U).

General Maintenance

Requires high scores in the General Science, Auto and Shop Information, Mathematics Knowledge, and Electronics Information subjects and leads to jobs like the Parachute Rigger (92R).

General Technical

Requires high scores in the Verbal Expression and Arithmetic Reasoning subjects and leads to jobs like the Stryker Systems Maintainer (91S).

Mechanical Maintenance

Requires high scores in the Auto and Shop Information, Mechanical Comprehension, and Electronic Information subjects and leads to jobs like the Artillery Mechanic (91P).

Operators & Food

Requires high scores in the Verbal Expression, Auto and Shop Information, and Mechanical Comprehension subjects and leads to jobs like the Culinary Specialist (92G).

Surveillance & Communication

Requires high scores in the Verbal Expression, Arithmetic Reasoning, Auto and Shop Information, and Mechanical Comprehension subjects and leads to jobs like the Electronic Warfare Specialist (17E).

Skilled Technical

Requires high scores in the General Sciences, Verbal Expression, Mechanical Comprehension, and Mathematics Knowledge subjects and leads to jobs like the Ammunition Specialist (89B).

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A male enlisted recruit wearing a light blue t-shirt, sitting down and staring into the distance with another person’s arm wrapped around his shoulder

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Common questions about the ASVAB entrance test.

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How many times can I take the ASVAB?

You can take the ASVAB test multiple times, but there are rules regarding how frequently. After your first attempt, you must wait one calendar month to retake the test. Your third attempt can be administered no earlier than six calendar months after your second test. It’s important to remember that your most recent score—not your highest—will be used to assess your performance. Talk to your recruiter if you have any questions or concerns.

What can I do to improve my ASVAB score?

To enlist, you need an ASVAB score of at least 31. However, if you have a minimum score of 21, there’s an academic track of the Future Soldier Preparatory Course to help you better your score. This 90-day program provides training on all the subjects covered on the ASVAB, as well as opportunities to retake the test.

If your ASVAB score is between 31 and 49, you could qualify for a second option of the course that’s 30 days of classes with one chance to improve your score. You may select a new MOS based on your higher score depending on the needs of the Army.

Additionally, there’s an expanded course that allows you to first take the academic track to improve your ASVAB score and then move into the fitness track of the course to help you meet the physical requirements if your body fat percentage exceeds the Army standard.

Find out more about the ASVAB entrance test and work with your recruiter to see which Future Soldier Preparatory Course option is right for you.

Is the ASVAB available in Spanish?

The ASVAB entrance test is only administered in English. Applicants need to demonstrate English language comprehension and fluency to complete tasks and understand commands.

What is the difference between the paper and online version of the ASVAB?

The computer adaptive test (CAT-ASVAB) adjusts to your knowledge level in real-time. Note that around 70% of military applicants take the test online, and on average, it takes about half the time as the paper version.

Is there an alternative test for the ASVAB?

Yes, the Pending Internet Computerized Adaptive Test (PiCAT) is an alternative to current ASVAB testing procedures. It is an unsupervised, full version of the ASVAB you may take on your own time. Contact your recruiter to learn more about taking it and validating your results on your visit to a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS).

Do commissioned Army Officers take the ASVAB?

If you attend Officer Candidate School after you enlist, you will have taken the ASVAB as part of the enlistment process. But, you do not take the ASVAB if you join the Army through a direct commission as an Officer, or through ROTC or U.S. Military Academy at West Point, where you graduate with a college degree and as a commissioned Army Officer.

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I’m a U.S. citizen or permanent and legal resident (I-551 card).

I am in high school, have a high school diploma, or am enrolled in college.

I have a GED.

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I have some tattoos, with no (or subtle) placement on my hands, neck, or face.

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Citizenship Status

Education Level


Legal Record

Medical Conditions

Level of Interest.

Your Preferred Army Career Path

Please select the responses that best describe you.

This section is optional.

Citizenship Status

The Army wants people from different backgrounds and experiences. You’ll need to be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card.

Education Level

To join the Army, you’ll need a high school diploma or GED. Talk to your recruiter about your options if you don’t meet this requirement.


You can still join the Army if you have tattoos. You may need a waiver if you have any above your neckline or past your wrists.

Legal Record

Convictions or felonies may prevent you from joining the Army, but legal waivers are available in some cases.

Medical Conditions

The Army can accommodate many medical conditions. A recruiter will help you navigate the process and any needed waivers.

Level of Interest

Whether you’re ready to join or just curious, a recruiter can help you decide if the Army is right for you.

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This helps us connect you to the right person. If you’re not sure yet, just select undecided.
    School selection is required.

    Privacy Act Notice: The above disclosure is voluntary. All information will be used strictly for recruiting purposes. The authority for the collection of this information is Title 10, United States Code, Sections 503, 505, 508, and 12102, and EO 9397. For more information, please review our Privacy & Security Notice.

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